Charitable Organization or Foundation Registration in Bangladesh with RJSC | A Comprehensive Guideline


Any charitable organization established for the promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts, for instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge, the diffusion of political education, the foundation or maintenance of libraries or reading rooms for general use among the members or open to the public, or public museums and galleries of painting and other works or art, collections of natural history, mechanical and philosophical inventions, instru-ments, or designs are subject to The Societies Registration Act, of 1860. Below, we outline the detailed process and our services to facilitate your society registration in Bangladesh.


Charitable organizations that aim to promote science, literature, the fine arts, or similar activities must be registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. This registration is overseen by the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) under the Ministry of Commerce. The majority of non-profit organizations in Bangladesh are formed and registered under this act due to its broad scope and flexibility, permitting a wide range of activities.

Eligibility and Application

Seven or more individuals associated with any literary, scientific, charitable purpose, or any other similar purpose may apply to form a society. The process involves subscribing to a memorandum of association and accompanying it with the society’s rules and regulations. The detailed steps are as follows:

Step 1: Issuance of Name Clearance from RJSC

The initial step involves obtaining a name clearance from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC). This step ensures that the proposed name of the society is unique and not already in use.

Step 2: Application Submission

Submit the application to the RJSC along with the Memorandum of Association and the name clearance letter. This submission must include all other required documents, which typically consist of:

  • List of members
  • Office Address of the oganization
  • Executive committee details (Contact Details, TIN, NID)
  • Objectives of the society
  • Rules and regulations governing the society

Step 3: Payment of Government Fees

Upon submission, the requisite government fees must be paid. The amount varies depending on the nature and scope of the society’s activities.

Step 4: Security Check

A security check is conducted by law enforcement agencies, including the Special Branch of Police and National Security Intelligence (NSI). Usually, NSI investigate the present & permanant address and criminal records of the officials, previous charitible activities of the concerned organization, office address. This step ensures that the society’s activities align with national security and public order.

Step 5: Inspection, Monitoring, and Review

The concerned authorities will conduct a thorough inspection, monitoring, and review of the society. This involves verifying the information provided and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Step 6: Issuance of Registration

If the authorities are satisfied with the inspection and review, the society will be issued a registration certificate. This certificate formally acknowledges the society as a registered entity under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

Key Considerations

Legal Status: A society registered under this Ordinance is recognized as a separate legal entity. It must commence or defend legal proceedings in the name of the organizatio

Membership Requirements: The organization must have more than seven founding or executive committee members.

Foreign Donations: Once the Foundation is registered, it is not entitled to received any foreign donation. Organizations seeking to receive or utilize foreign donations must obtain Foreign Donations (FD) Registration from the NGOAB.

To apply a for the NGO Bureau Registration, a Foundation following its incororation needs the following documents.

  1. Completed FD-1 Form – 9 copies
  2. List of Executive Committee members according to the constitution – 3 copies
  3. Passport size photos and copies of national ID cards of Executive Committee members – 6 copies
  4. List of Executive Committee approved by relevant authority and copy of registration certificate – 3 copies
  5. Constitution (approved by registration authority) – 3 copies
  6. Activity report of the organization – 3 copies
  7. Plan of Operation (work methodology and organogram, signed by Chairperson) – 6 copies
  8. Letter of recommendation from parent organization (attested by organization head) – 6 copies
  9. Minutes of general meeting regarding formation of Executive Committee with attendance sheet of members present – 6 copies
  10. Treasury chalan of Tk. 50,000 (fifty thousand taka) deposited to code no. 1-0323-0000-1836 for registration of foreign NGO – 3 copies
  11. List of general members with name, father’s/husband’s name, address and national ID number for each member – 3 copies
  12. Treasury chalan showing deposit of 15% VAT to code no. 1-1133-0035-0391 – 3 copies
  13. Bangladesh Bank Enquiry Form-1 (for individuals) and Form-2 (for proprietorship/partnership/limited or any other company) – 3 copies
  14. Audit report (if applicable) and source of funds – 3 copies
  15. Deed/agreement/office rent document for organization’s office – 6 copies
  16. List of potential manpower – 3 copies
  17. Proof of completing all financial transactions including salaries through banking channels – 6 copies
  18. Operational guidelines – 3 copies

Annual Returns: An annual return must be submitted to the RJSC to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Dissolution: The organization may be dissolved by a vote of three-fifths of its members. If the government is involved in the dissolution process, permission from the government is required.

By adhering to these guidelines and fulfilling the necessary requirements, your organization can successfully register as a Social Welfare Organization, enabling it to operate effectively within the legal framework of Bangladesh.


Different Types of Charitable Organizations in Bangladesh

Any group of individuals intending to establish a charitable organization in Bangladesh for the purpose of social welfare may opt for one of the following legal entities, based on their specific objectives, long-term goals, and operational capacities, as stipulated under the relevant laws:

  1. As a Society or Foundation: Register under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, suitable for organizations focused on social, cultural, and educational activities. See detail guide>
  2. A Charitable Trust: Established under the Trust Act, 1882, appropriate for entities aiming to provide financial assistance, healthcare, and educational support. See detail guide>
  3. As a Social Welfare Organization: Register under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961 (Ord. No. XLVI of 1961). See detail guide>
  4. Charitable Company: Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1994, suitable for non-profit organizations intending to operate on a larger scale without issuing shares. See detail guide>

The choice of legal entity should align with the organization’s mission, vision, and planned operational framework.


Our Services

At LegalSeba, we offer end-to-end assistance in the society registration process, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements and facilitating a smooth application process. Our services include:

Expert Consultation: We provide expert advice on eligibility criteria, documentation, and regulatory compliance, tailored to your specific needs.

Document Preparation: Our team assists in preparing and collecting all necessary documentation, ensuring that your application meets all legal requirements.

Application Management: We manage the entire application process, from submission to approval, ensuring meticulous adherence to all procedural steps.

Continuous Follow-up: We maintain regular communication with regulatory bodies to track the status of your application and promptly address any queries or additional requirements.

Inspection Preparation: We assist in preparing for regulatory inspections, ensuring that your infrastructure and operations comply with all standards.

Lobbying with Authorities: We facilitate effective communication with government authorities to streamline the registration process.

By partnering with LegalSeba, you can confidently navigate the complex regulatory environment and focus on your organization’s mission. Contact us today to begin your journey towards establishing a registered society in Bangladesh.

Contact Us

For personalized assistance and more information on society registration,  book a consultation with our experts by visiting or contact us at:

Phone/WhatsApp: +8801753718223