Required Business License in Bangladesh


Navigating the complex landscape of business licenses in Bangladesh can be challenging. offers comprehensive guidance on the necessary licenses and approvals required for business operations in the country. Our services ensure that entrepreneurs and investors are well-informed about legal documentation and procedures, from obtaining a name clearance certificate to securing VAT registration. LegalSeba simplifies each step, providing detailed requirements and processing times, ensuring a smooth setup for your business.

Below is a list of various commercial licenses that a business may require based on its nature of operations in Bangladesh:

0 Name of the License/permit Issuing Authority Documents/Conditions for getting the license/permit or pre-requisites in getting the license/permits Applicable Law

Required time


Renewal process

1. Name Clearance Certificate RJSC

·     Online application after opening an E-account on the RJSC Website.

·     Payment of fees after preliminary name search

Companies Act 1994

01-02 working day


Not required

2. Incorporation of 100% foreign company RJSC

·     Name Clearance Certificate issued by RJSC


·     Filled-in Form VI Notice of the address of the registered or principal office of the Company.

· Filled in Form IX Director’s Consent

·     Passport size photo of shareholders & Directors

·     Photo ID and Passport Info page of Shareholders and Directors

·     Foreign Currency Encashment Certificate from a scheduled Bank [transfer of paid-up capital]

·     Treasury Challan [Government Fees]

·     Permission from BIDA

(if applicable)

Companies Act 1994

07-21 working days


Not required. Automatically renewed with the filing of returns.

3. Banking Accounting Opening

One of the Director must be physically present before the bank.

All the foreign shareholders’ documents must be attested by the concerned Bangladeshi embassy (depending on the respective banking policy)

5-10 working days
4. Company Tax Identification Number National Board of Revenue

·     Contant Number & Email

·     Incorporation number of the company

·     Date of incorporation of the company

·     Name of the authorized person

.    Address of the Company

Income Tax Ordinance 1984

15-20 minutes


4. Trade License for manufacturing firms Dhaka North/South City Corporation

·     Application form

·     National ID Card

·     Rent receipt or ownership proof

·     Holding tax payment receipt

·     Passport size photograph of the entrepreneur

·     Declaration on the non-judicial stamp to abide by the rules & regulations of city corporation/municipality/union parishad

·     NOC declaration from the locality

·     Location map

·     Sketch along with details of the proposed factory/surroundings of the factory

·     Fire License

·     Environment clearance License Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

·     Certificate of incorporation

·     Work permit from BIDA

·     Statement of Bank Solvency

·     TIN Certificate

Dhaka City Corporation Ordinance 1983

Municipal Taxation Rules 1986

10-20 working days



Yearly renewal required

5. BIDA Registration of Foreign Investment Project

Bangladesh Investment Development

Authority (BIDA)

·     Forwarding letter to be submitted by the Managing Director of the Company on official letterhead.

·     Two copies of the Application in the Prescribed Form duly filled in

·     Certificate of Incorporation

·     Trade License in favour of factory address

·     TIN Certificate

·     List of machinery local and imported to be submitted in the official pad of the company (SL no., name of Machine, H.S. Code, quantity and value in Million Taka)

·     Encashment Certificate

·     NOC from the concerned Ministry

·     Pay order for the applicable registration fee

BIDA Act 2016

Guideline 2011

1-2 weeks


Not required

6. IRC Office of Chief Controller of Imports & Exports (CCI&E)

·     Passport  size photograph of the Applicant

·     Trade License

·     Membership Certificate from a local Chamber of Commerce and Industry or from concerned Trade Associations

·     Financial solvency certificate

·     Citizenship Certificate

·     Treasury Challan

·     TIN Certificate

·     Partnership Deed

·     Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association

Import Policy Order 2015-2018  1-2 weeks
7. VAT Registration National Board of Revenue

·     Trade License

·     TIN Certificate

·     IRC

·     List of sales shops, sales centers, full address, equipment, machinery, fittings, product features and amendment of the products manufactured

·     List of invoices and stored product

·     Deed of Agreement

·     Bank Solvency Certificate

·     BIDA Registration

·     Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

VAT and Supplementary Duty Act 2012

 2-3 weeks


Not required

8. Approval of remittance  BIDA

·     BIDA Registration

·     Technology transfer Agreement

·     Application Form

·     Resolution of the Board of Directors

·     Income Tax Certificate and Return

·     Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

·     Invoices

·     Authenticated banking documents showing export earnings, if any

·     Patent right/trade mark/brand name registration in Bangladesh

·     Work completion certificate

 2-3 weeks
9. Environment License Department of Environment

·     Application through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997.

·     Prescribed fees under schedule-13 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)

·     Report on the feasibility of the industrial unit or project (applicable only for proposed industrial unit or project);

·     Report on the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) relating to the industrial unit or project, and also the terms of reference (ToR) for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the unit or the project and its Process Flow Diagram; or Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report prepared on the basis of terms of reference previously approved by the Department of Environment, along with the Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant), Process Flow Diagram, design and time schedule of the Effluent Treatment Plant of the unit or project, (these are applicable only for a proposed industrial unit or project);

·     Report on the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the industrial unit or project, and also the Process Flow Diagram, Layout Plan (showing the location of the Effluent Treatment Plant), design and information about the effectiveness of the Effluent Treatment Plan of the unit or project (these are applicable only for an existing industrial unit or project);

·     No objection certificate (Prescribed Form) of the local authority

·     Emergency plan relating to adverse environmental impact and plan for mitigation of the effect of pollution

·     Outline of relocation, and rehabilitation plan (where applicable)

·     Other necessary information (where applicable).

Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)

 1-2 months


Yearly renewal

10. Approval of Layout plan and registration/license for factories and establishment Department of Inspection of Factories and Establishments (DIFE)

·     Land documents, if rental, rent receipt and agreement are required. If owned, a tax receipt is required

·     Site plan/layout master plan

·     Detailed construction plan

·     Machine layout and flow chart of the manufacturing process

As per the ILO Convention

Maximum 2 months.


Yearly renewal required

11. Fire License Fire Service and Civil Defence

·     Filled in prescribed Application Form. Application form can be collected either from office of Fire Service and Civil Defence or from internet.

·     Trade License

·     Description of the products including their quantity.

·     Annual value of the warehouse (determined by the City Corporation/ Municipality/Union Parishad).

·     2 copies of layout plan of the Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting system.

·     No-Objection-Certificate from local (elected) representative

·     Certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company.

·     Name address of the Directors of the Company.

 2-4 months


Yearly renewal required

12. Membership of Chambers/trade body?  Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries

·     Trade License

·     TIN

·     Bank Certificate

·     Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association.

·     Certificate of Incorporation

·     Photograph of the applicant

·     Visiting card of the applicant

·     National ID / Passport

·     IRC

·     VAT

·     BIDA Certificate

·     Work Permit

·     Bank pay order

The Trade Organization Ordinance  1961

 1-2 weeks

Yearly Renewal

13 PI/E VISA for Foreign Investors/Employees respectively BIDA and the concerned Bangladesh Embassy/High Commission

·     BIDA Registration Number

·     Memorandum and Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation

·     Board Resolution

·     Photograph of the Investor

·     Copy of Passport (the whole of each part, each of the pages chronologically)

·     Specific activity of the company

·     Income Tax Clearance certificate of the Company

·     Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 5,0000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/ liaison/ joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh

BIDA Act 2006

Guideline 2011.


After obtaining a recommendation letter the Investor may apply for a PI Visa.

It may take 3 working days to get a recommendation letter.


7 working days to obtain a visa


1 + 2 + 2 years in phases for PI Visa


1 year for E Visa

14 Work Permit BIDA

·     Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association and Certificate of Incorporation of the company duly signed by the shareholders in case of local incorporation.


·     Board resolution regarding employment of foreign national(s) including honorarium & another benefit to be provided.

·     Copy of passport (whole Used part)with arrival stamp, E-type visa for employees and PI-type visa for investors each of the pages chronologically

·     Service contract/ agreement and appointment letter/ transfer order in case of employee

·     Copies of all academic qualification & professional experience certificate for the employee

·     Statement of the manpower showing a list of local & expatriate personnel employed with designation, salary break-up, nationality and date of first appointment

·     Up-to-date income tax clearance certificate of the company

·     Encashment certificate of inward remittance of minimum US$ 5,0000.00 as initial establishment cost for branch/ liaison/ joint-venture and 100% foreign ownership company incorporation in Bangladesh

·     Visa Recommendation Letter of the Investors/Employee.

·     Attachment of company’s comments as per remarks (if any)

BIDA Act 2006

Guideline 2011.

1-2 months



1 + 2 + 2 years in phases for PI Visa


1 year for E Visa

15 Winding up a company and fund repatriation


Bangladesh Bank



  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum & Articles of Association
  • Return of Allotment (Form-XV)
  • Latest annual summary of share capital and list of shareholders/directors (Schedule-X)
  • Instrument of Transfer of Shares (Form-117)
  • Encashment Certificate
  • Import permit and related documents for shares issued against capital machinery
  • Intimation of share issuance/transfer as per relevant guidelines
  • Latest audited financial statements
  • Certified copies of Form VIII evidencing special resolution for voluntary liquidation
  • Liquidator’s certificates confirming full payment of liabilities and compliance with the Companies Act
  • Winding up documents in accordance with the Companies Act
  • Certification of overdue export proceeds and unmatched bill of entry
  • Tax clearance certificate
  • Police Clearance Certificate (where applicable)
  • CIB report
  • List of non-resident shareholders to whom proceeds are payable
  • Liquidator’s undertaking regarding ineligible remittance amounts
  • Obtaining any Clearance Letter from the Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit


Income Tax Act 2023

Companies Act 1994

Bangladesh Bank Guideline

Money Laundering Prevention Act, 2012


16. Remittance of dividends to non-resident shareholders Bangladesh Bank

·     The Ads are allowed to remit dividends (both final and interim) to the non-resident shareholders on receipt of the application in the prescribed form (Appendix 5/75) in triplicate from the companies concerned duly certified by their Auditors and supported by the following document:

·     Attested copy of the certificate of incorporation of the company (to be submitted only once).

·     Audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account of the Company for the year to which the dividend relates.

·     Copy, certified by the Auditor, of the Board resolution declaring the dividend.

·     List of non-resident shareholders to whom the dividend is payable.

·     Certificate from the Auditor of the company to the effect that the taxes payable by the nonresident shareholder on account of the dividend earned have been deducted.

·     Auditor’s certificate to the effect that the provision for income tax and/or any additional liability (such as surcharge etc.) in connection with such taxes made in the accounts of the company is sufficient to meet all past and present tax liabilities of the company in Bangladesh upto the period for which remittance of dividend is applied for i.e. the provision should cover not only current year but also the previous years for which taxes have not yet been finally assessed and paid.

·     Final income tax assessment order as and when obtained.

·     Undertaking to the effect that in case of remittance of any ineligible amount, the amount so remitted will be repatriated to Bangladesh on demand by Bangladesh Bank/the AD.

Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions


 1-2 weeks



Renewal N/A

Foreign investors are permitted to invest in industrial enterprises within Bangladesh, with the exception of a limited number of reserved sectors as specified in the prevailing “Industrial Policy” issued by the government. An industrial enterprise in Bangladesh can be established either in partnership with local investors or entirely owned by foreign investors. Various licenses, permissions, and clearances from multiple government and autonomous bodies are necessary to undertake investment activities in Bangladesh. Below are the pertinent legal requirements:

  1. Sectoral Restrictions: Investment is generally open in all industrial sectors except those explicitly reserved by the current government policy. It is crucial for investors to consult the latest version of the “Industrial Policy” to ensure compliance.

  2. Forms of Investment: Industrial enterprises in Bangladesh may be set up through joint ventures with local partners or as wholly foreign-owned entities. The choice between these forms will dictate specific regulatory requirements and benefits.

  3. Regulatory Compliance: Investing in Bangladesh necessitates obtaining a variety of approvals from different regulatory authorities. These may include:

    • Board of Investment (BOI): Registration of the investment and securing necessary approvals.
    • Bangladesh Bank: Approvals related to foreign exchange and repatriation of profits.
    • Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC): Incorporation of the company.
    • Department of Environment (DOE): Environmental clearances if the enterprise involves activities impacting the environment.
    • Local Government Authorities: Various local permits and licenses.
  4. Specific Licensing Requirements: Depending on the industry and the nature of the investment, additional specific licenses and permits might be required from respective regulatory bodies such as:

    • Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA): For various facilitation services and approvals.
    • Export Promotion Bureau (EPB): For enterprises involved in export activities.
    • Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA): For enterprises intending to operate within special economic zones.
  5. Compliance with Local Laws: Foreign investors must adhere to the local laws and regulations governing labor, taxation, corporate governance, and environmental standards.

By ensuring adherence to these legal requirements, foreign investors can establish and operate industrial enterprises in Bangladesh effectively and in compliance with the relevant regulatory framework.

Why Choose

Navigating the complexities of obtaining licenses and approvals for your business in Bangladesh requires expert knowledge and experience. excels in facilitating this process, ensuring compliance and efficiency in all business operations. Our strategic support is invaluable for businesses looking to establish and expand their presence in the competitive landscape of Bangladesh.

As a leading law firm, offers precise guidance and assistance in securing the necessary licenses and approvals, helping your business thrive in an environment of growth and investment. Trust us to streamline your setup and ensure all legal requirements are met seamlessly.

Our services include:

Expert Consultation: We provide expert advice on eligibility criteria, documentation, and regulatory compliance, tailored to your specific needs.

Document Preparation: Our team assists in preparing and collecting all necessary documentation, ensuring that your application meets all legal requirements.

Application Management: We manage the entire application process, from submission to approval, ensuring meticulous adherence to all procedural steps.

Continuous Follow-up: We maintain regular communication with regulatory bodies to track the status of your application and promptly address any queries or additional requirements.

Inspection Preparation: We assist in preparing for regulatory inspections, ensuring that your infrastructure and operations comply with all standards.

Lobbying with Authorities: We facilitate effective communication with government authorities to streamline the registration process.


Contact Us

To learn more about our services or to start the process of obtaining licenses and approvals for your business in Bangladesh, contact today. Our expert team is ready to provide you with tailored assistance to ensure a smooth and efficient setup.


Let be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of investing and conducting business in Bangladesh. Our expertise and comprehensive services will ensure your investment is successful and compliant with all regulatory requirements.


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