Association under The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961

At LegalSeba, we offer comprehensive assistance in the registration of Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (VSWA). The procedural details and requirements for establishing a Voluntary Social Welfare Agency in Bangladesh are outlined below for your reference.


The registration of a Voluntary Social Welfare Agency under this Ordinance is highly recommended for entities intending to operate as charitable organizations and foresee the need for governmental grants or local donations. This registration is suitable for organizations aimed at any charitable purpose, including but not limited to:

  • Welfare of children, youth, and women
  • Support for individuals who are physically or mentally disabled
  • Family welfare initiatives
  • Activities aimed at preventing anti-social behaviour through entertainment
  • Social or adult education promoting civic responsibilities
  • Rehabilitation and welfare of released prisoners
  • Welfare initiatives for juvenile delinquents
  • Assistance for beggars and impoverished individuals
  • Support for socially disadvantaged individuals
  • Rehabilitation and welfare of patients
  • Care for the elderly and physically incapable individuals
  • Training programs focused on social welfare
  • Coordination among various social welfare organizations

It is pertinent to note that the registration under the Ministry of Social Welfare does not extend to charities focusing on art, science, culture, or environmental causes. Moreover, foreign nationals are prohibited from serving as founders of these entities. Organizations intending to receive foreign donations must secure prior registration with the NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB). The governing legislation for such registration is The Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1961, and the regulatory authority is the Social Welfare Department (SWD) or the Upazila Social Welfare Office under the Ministry of Social Welfare.

The following documents are necessary for the registration process:

  • Completed application form
  • Constitution of the organization in Bangla
  • Detailed information about the members and the executive committee
  • Additional documents as specified by the regulatory authorities

Key Considerations

Legal Status: A society registered under this Ordinance is not recognized as a separate legal entity. It must initiate or defend legal actions through its officers.

Membership Requirements: The organization must have more than seven founding or executive committee members. Additionally, the total number of general members should be at least three times the number of executive committee members.

Foreign Donations: Organizations seeking to receive or utilize foreign donations must obtain Foreign Donations (FD) Registration from the NGOAB.

Annual Returns: An annual return must be submitted to the Social Welfare Department to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Dissolution: The organization may be dissolved by a vote of three-fifths of its members. If the government is involved in the dissolution process, permission from the government is required.

By adhering to these guidelines and fulfilling the necessary requirements, your organization can successfully register as a Voluntary Social Welfare Agency, enabling it to operate effectively within the legal framework of Bangladesh.


How LegalSeba Can Help with Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Registration in Bangladesh

At LegalSeba, we provide a robust suite of services to facilitate your Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (VSWA) registration process in Bangladesh. Our offerings include:

Expert Consultation: We assess your organization’s requirements and guide you through the eligibility criteria set by the regulatory bodies associated with the VSWA registration process.

Document Preparation: Our team assists in collecting and preparing all necessary documentation to ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.

Application Management: We handle the entire application process, from submission to approval, ensuring all steps are meticulously followed.

Continuous Follow-up: We maintain regular communication with the regulatory bodies to track your application status and address any queries or additional requirements promptly.

Inspection Preparation: We help you prepare for any regulatory inspections to ensure your infrastructure and operations meet all regulatory standards.

Lobbying with Authorities: We facilitate effective communication with government authorities to smoothen the registration process.

By choosing LegalSeba, you can navigate the complex regulatory environment with confidence, allowing you to focus on expanding your social welfare operations.


Securing registration for a Voluntary Social Welfare Agency in Bangladesh involves multiple steps and stringent regulatory compliance. LegalSeba is committed to guiding you through each phase, ensuring a seamless and successful application process. Contact us today to begin your journey towards becoming a registered Voluntary Social Welfare Agency in Bangladesh.

For personalized assistance and more information on registering and operating your Voluntary Social Welfare Agency in Bangladesh, reach out to LegalSeba and book a consultation with our experts.

Contact Us

For personalized assistance and more information on social welfare organization,  book a consultation with our experts by visiting or contact us at:

Phone/WhatsApp: +8801753718223