Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions (GFET), 2018 Vol 1


SL. Chapters Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions (GFET), 2018 Vol 1
1 1. Introductions and Definitions detail.. (591 KB)
2 2. Section 1: Authorised Dealers and Money Changers detail.. (284 KB)
3 Section 2: Instructions for Money Changers detail.. (334 KB)
4 3. Bangladesh Bank’s Transactions with ADS. detail.. (306 KB)
5 4. Section 1: Foreign Currency Accounts of the ADs and Purchase and sale of Foreign Currency detail.. (296 KB)
6 Section 2: Forward Dealings in Foreign Exchange detail.. (288 KB)
7 Section 3: Hedging the Price Risk of Commodities detail.. (279 KB)
8 Section 4: Non-Resident Taka Accounts of Foreign Bank Branches and Correspondents detail.. (275 KB)
9 5 Section 1: Outward Remittances. detail.. (56 KB)
10 Section 2: Inward Remittances. detail.. (291 KB)
11 Section 3: Dealings in Foreign Currency Notes and Coins etc. detail.. (298 KB)
12 6 Import and Export of Currency Notes and Coins, Foreign Exchange, Gold, silver, Jwellery and Securities etc. detail.. (351 KB)
13 7 Section 1: Imports. detail.. (373 KB)
14 Section 2: Letters of Credits and Remittances against Imports. detail.. (465 KB)
15 Section 3: Back to Back LCs detail.. (319 KB)
16 Section 4: Deposit of Counterpart Fund in respect of Imports under Non-Project Commodity Loans/Credits/Grants detail.. (311 KB)
17 8 Section 1: Exports. detail.. (617 KB)
18 Section 2: Export from the Export Processing Zone. detail.. (287 KB)
19 9 Section 1: Foreign Investment in Bangladesh. detail.. (332 KB)
20 Section 2: Operations in Securities detail.. (306 KB)
21 10 Commercial Remittances (Other than for Imports) detail.. (849 KB)
22 11 Private Remittances. detail.. (519 KB)
23 12 Travel detail.. (566 KB)
24 13 Section 1: Private Foreign Currency Accounts detail.. (362 KB)
25 Section 2: Non-Resident Private Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts. detail.. (300 KB)
26 Section 3: Resident Private Foreign Currency Deposit Accounts. detail.. (281 KB)
27 Section 4: Exporters’ Retention Quota Accounts detail.. (312 KB)
28 Section 5: Foreign Currency Accounts for the EPZ Companies. detail.. (286 KB)
29 Section 6: Other Foreign Currency Accounts detail.. (313 KB)
30 14 Section 1: Convertible and Non-convertible Taka Accounts. detail.. (284 KB)
31 Section 2: Private Non-Resident Taka Accounts. detail.. (363 KB)
32 Section 3: Non-Resident Blocked Taka Accounts. detail.. (293 KB)
33 Section 4: Non-Resident Investor’s Taka Accounts (NITA). detail.. (290 KB)
34 15 Borrowing Abroad by Residents. detail.. (319 KB)
35 16 Section 1: Loans, Overdrafts and Guarantees. detail.. (417 KB)
36 Section 2: Credit Facilities to Industries in Export Processing Zones. detail.. (318 KB)
37 17 Section 1: Foreign exchange transactions for agency services detail.. (275 KB)
38 Section 2: Transaction with Branch offices, Liaison offices, Representative offices etc. detail.. (280 KB)
39 Section 3: Foreign Exchange Transactions of Freight Forwarders detail.. (279 KB)
40 18 Section 1: Insurance Business. detail.. (322 KB)
41 Section 2: Reinsurance. detail.. (277 KB)
42 19 Payment through International Cards. detail.. (377 KB)
43 20 Foreign Exchange Transactions by the Enterprises of Economic Zones in Bangladesh detail.. (341 KB)
44 Appendix 1 Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 (VII of 1947). detail.. (836 KB)
45 Appendix 2 Notifications Issued by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the erstwhile Government of Pakistan under Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947 (VII of 1947). detail.. (869 KB)
46 Appendix 3 Notifications Issued by the Bangladesh Bank and the erstwhile State Bank of Pakistan under Foreign Regulation Act, 1947 (VII of 1947). detail.. (2960 KB)
47 Appendix 4 List of Bangladesh Bank’s offices and their Jurisdictions. detail.. (291 KB)
48 Appendix 5
Specimen Forms of Applications, Declaration, etc. other than Periodic Returns & Schedules. detail.. (12012 KB)
49 Appendix 6
1. Notification issued by the Board of Investment (presently Bangladesh Investment Development Authority) for obtaining loan from abroad by industrial enterprises in Bangladesh in the private sector;
2. Policy guidelines for establishment of drawing arrangement between the Exchange Houses abroad and the Banks operating in Bangladesh.
3. Procedure for repatriation of sale proceeds of non-resident owned equity in unlisted companies purchased by residents in Bangladesh. detail.. (2640 KB)


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